Kaths birth


Created by leroy 14 years ago
Kath was born in Takapuna New Zealand on the 10th of June 1974.She was born to British parents Lorraine Able and Alan Pilgrim and returned to the UK in February 1977 when she was nearly 3 years old. This was when Kath originally lived in Waite End road with her grandparents Jeanette and Peter Abel. She lived there for a short while until moving to Laburnham Road, Just one road up from Waite End. Kath lived there for about 6 years with her sister Leeanne and Brothers Wayne and terry. Kath had mixed emotions about this time of her life as it was when her parents divorced, but she also had lots of fun there too. She attended school at Waite end first and middle school where it was discovered she was a very good gymnast. Kath attended the after school gymnastics club every Monday for 4 years. She was always so dedicated. She had a leotard full of badges. Thanks to Kaths sister Leeanne for timeline information.
