2003 was the year Kath and i got married.I remember it well.November the 15th was the day and i was a wreck.Kath had been going on at me for years to get married and i always said no as i didnt think it would change anything.
Any way Kath one day came out with the sentence !If we dont get married by the time im 30 im leaving you!.This made me laugh as i knew she didnt mean it but i thought id better not take the chance.So i agreed and we got married.
I was a complete mess on that day.Married at noon and i was in the pub across the road at 11 sinking as many southern comforts as i could.I was proper drunk and had to be dragged out of the pub by my family and friends.
Kath was so happy to be married and so was i but we promised each other to not let it change anything. And thats what we did.We still treated each other how we always did and thats why it worked for us.
I have recently been reminded that after the birth of our children this was Kaths happiest day ever and im so glad i went through with it.I am proud to have called myself her husband.I love you Kath xxx